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Paula Friedrich

What Do You Want Your Congressional Candidates To Be Talking About?

Ever walk out of the voting booth wishing you knew more? We get it.

That’s why this year, WBEZ’s Government and Politics Team is teaming up with the the Daily Herald for a pilot reporting project in Illinois’ 6th Congressional District. Our goal: make our reporting more responsive to your needs.

We’re focusing on the 6th District, where Democrat Sean Casten is up for re-election. He’ll face one of two Republicans in November: Jeanne Ives or Gordon “Jay” Kinzler, depending on who wins the GOP primary on March 17. We want to work with you to make sure our coverage focuses on what’s important to those who live here, rather than the horse race.

And that’s why we’re asking you this question: What do you want these three to be talking about as they compete for your vote?

Here’s how we’ll use the responses: We’ll look at everything you send us and see what issues pop up the most. We will put those questions in front of the candidates and get their responses — and share those with you.

This is a new reporting process for us, which is why we’re only doing it in Illinois’ 6th Congressional District for now. We’re optimistic this will help us do more useful and impactful journalism and that there will be opportunity to expand this process in the future.

Signatures from Katherine Nagasawa, Al Keefe, Paula Friedrich and Becky Vevea

Al Keefe, Becky Vevea, Katherine Nagasawa and Paula Friedrich - WBEZ Government and Politics Team / John Lampinen - Daily Herald Editor

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