Chicago's NPR News Source

What is Your Vision for Peace?: A community conversation responding to youth violence (West Side Bureau)

Chicago right now seems to be known most for the violence that happens here – especially the violence perpetrated by and visited upon young people. With so much violence fresh in our minds, and with summer – historically the most violent season in our city – almost upon us, what can we do to make Chicago a more peaceful city, for all its residents?

Chicago right now seems to be known most for the violence that happens here – especially the violence perpetrated by and visited upon young people. With so much violence fresh in our minds, and with summer – historically the most violent season in our city – almost upon us, what can we do to make Chicago a more peaceful city, for all its residents?

Join us – Tuesday, May 7th, at the WBEZ North Side Bureau in Roger’s Park, Wednesday, May 8th, at the WBEZ South Side Bureau in Englewood, or Thursday, May 9th at the WBEZ West Side Bureau in Humboldt Park – as the Center for Civic Reflection and Chicago Public Media follow Chicago’s Imagining Peace conference (April 26-28, 2013) by hosting three round-table discussions that explore the impact violence has upon us and how we can create conditions for peace.

Click here to learn more about the Imagining Peace conference.

Support for Chicago Public Media’s Community Bureaus is provided in part by Polk Brothers Foundation, Met Life Foundation, and Crown Family Philanthropies.

The Center for Civic Reflection works to strengthen community and deepen understanding by helping people and organizations think and talk about the meaning of their work in the world. Through the practice of reflective discussion, which utilizes provocative readings, images, and video, CCR helps people consider the beliefs and values that underlie their commitments—leading to clarity about their work, stronger relationships, and more committed, effective action.

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