Witness to the Srebrenica Massacre

Witness to the Srebrenica Massacre
Sejdefa Dozic at the United Nations
Witness to the Srebrenica Massacre
Sejdefa Dozic at the United Nations

Witness to the Srebrenica Massacre

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The arrest of Radovan Karadzic reminds many of the tragic events of July 1995 in Srebrenica, especially those who lived through it.

In 1992, generations of ethnic tensions in Bosnia erupted again into war, pitting neighbors against one another as they struggled for control of land and political power.

The international community responded.  The United Nations sent troops and established “safe havens” throughout the country where UN observation posts would help protect Muslims in the community.

But in 1995, the “safe haven” town of Srebrenica was attacked by the Bosnian-Serb army. What followed has been called the worst case of genocide in Europe since would war two.

Sejdefa Dozic, was just ten years old when she witnessed the Srebrenica massacre in Bosnia.

Before the war, she had lived a normal childhood.  Her father was a cook at a hotel in Srebrenica, her mother took care of her and her younger brother, and an extended family of grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins lived nearby.

Jerome talked with Sejdefa three years ago on the 10-year anniversary of the Srebrenica massacre. At the time, she was invited to address a group at the United Nations at the invitation of Bosnia‘s UN ambassador.

Original Broadcast July 7th, 2005