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Woodlawn Apartments Still in Limbo

Woodlawn Apartments Still in Limbo

Grove Parc Apartments

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development isn’t giving a green light to a nonprofit group that wants to preserve a low-income housing complex south of the University of Chicago.

The Grove Parc Apartments has had a shaky future for quite some time. It was built in the 1960s to ensure some affordable housing for Woodlawn residents. But the Boston-based Preservation of Affordable Housing, or POAH, wants to save the buildings. HUD sent a letter this week to the group rejecting its plan to buy Grove Parc. But the agency is giving POAH two weeks to come up with another alternative for the 504 apartments.

Karen Blomquist is with POAH and says it isn’t throwing in the towel yet.

BLOMQUIST: We’re looking at what the circumstances are and whether there is any room for crafting a response that would work.

HUD has said it would consider demolishing Grove Parc and giving tenants vouchers to move elsewhere.

I’m Natalie Moore, Chicago Public Radio.

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