Chicago's NPR News Source

Is Facebook Too Big? Amid Repeat Offenses, Global Regulators Suggest Breaking Up the Social Media Giant

Is Facebook Too Big? Amid Repeat Offenses, Global Regulators Suggest Breaking Up the Social Media Giant

Mark Zuckerberg was noticeably absent from a meeting in the UK on Tuesday, where regulators from nine countries demanded answers.

Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg Faces Criticism, But Is It Fair?

Facebook's number two executive Sheryl Sandberg is coming under increasing criticism from multiple directions.

What’s Ahead for the U.S. and China at the G20 Summit?

On Monday, President Trump threatened more tariffs if a trade deal is not reached.

Art in Orbit? Astronomers Say: No Way

A huge inflatable sculpture is headed for orbit. But does art belong in space? Astronomers say no. We hear why.


Tim Wu

Tony Romm

Issie Lapowsky

Alex Lawson

Jackie Faherty

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