Chicago's NPR News Source

Securing Medical Treatment and Justice for Agent Orange Victims

While there have been several Agent Orange lawsuits that have helped compensate US Vietnam War Veterans, no Vietnamese victims of Agent Orange have ever received any compensation from the US.

A delegation of Vietnamese victims of Agent Orange came to Chicago last month to raise awareness about the continuing devastation wrought by the Agent Orange used 40 years ago.

They've brought a lawsuit against Dow and other chemical companies that made Agent Orange, and are urging the U.S. government to provide compensation to victims.

Since we recorded this interview a month ago, two out of the four delegation members have died from cancers caused by Agent Orange. 

The head of the delegation was Tran Xuan Thu.

Dr. Tran Xuân Thu—Chief of Delegation, Vice-President and General Secretary of Vietnamese Association for Victims of Agent Orange/Dioxin (VAVA); Plaintiff on behalf of VAVA in Class Action lawsuit

Võ Thanh Hai—Plaintiff on behalf of VAVA in Class Action lawsuit

Bill Davis— Vietnam Veterans Against the War National Coordinator; Vietnam Agent Orange Relief and Responsibility Campaign

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