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Government Accountability in Argentina

Argentine farmers have threatened to halt trucks carrying grains and oilseeds, unless the government backs down from a new levy on overseas soybean shipments. Talks with the government will take place in Buenos Aires today, according to a cabinet official.

Farm uprisings in March became the government's biggest political challenge since 2001, when Argentina suffered its worst economic crisis. Last month, hundreds of protestors gathered outside the Presidential Palace and clashed with pro-government supporters.

Argentina is the world's second-largest corn exporter and the third-largest soybean grower. Both commodities are used mainly as animal feed.

In Argentina , lack of government transparency, dictatorships, coups, and economic instability have made citizens skeptical about government, but lately  things seem to be turning for the better.

Nicolás Ducoté is Co-founder and Executive Director of the Center for the Implementation of Public Policies for Equity and Growth in Argentina (CIPPEC) . Ducoté will deliver a public address for the Chicago Council on Global Affairs tonight.

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