Chicago's NPR News Source

My Global Activism Vacation: Building a Library in Kenya

My Global Activism Vacation: Building a Library in Kenya

Girls outside of Lavenda’s school

Nate Cohen — Volunteer for the Lavenda Education and Health Foundation

Nate Cohen volunteered in Kenya for 5 weeks last summer with the Lavenda Education and Health Foundation.  They're an organization that runs two schools in rural Kenya .

Nate went on the trip with his mom's friend Kathy Tate Bradish and Kathy's two daughters.  We've had Kathy on our show several times before to talk about Lavenda.  For our last pledge drive, Kathy agreed to plant a tree in Kenya for each person that pledged during one show. 

When Nate, Kathy and her daughters went to Kenya last summer, they flew into Nairobi and then had to drive into the countryside where Lavenda was based.

Nate told Jerome what that drive was like.

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