Chicago's NPR News Source

Chicago Ethnic Journalists Speak Out on the Elections

Chicago Ethnic Journalists Speak Out on the Elections

Chicago Pakistani demonstration or “Muzahaira”

The mainstream media, along with both presidential campaigns, have tried to calculate, locate, understand and appeal to the elusive undecided voter. Lately, Senators Barack Obama and John McCain have spent many-a-campaign stop addressing the issues dear to the man the world knows as "Joe The Plumber."

But with one day before Americans head to the polls, let's tap into some of conversations we don't hear about every night on cable news—conversations taking place in our own backyard.

Local journalists and radio hosts will tell us about the issues that affect their communities. Alejandro Escalona is Editor-in-Chief of Hoy Chicago. Igor Golubchik is Host of the Russian-language call-in show Vashe Radio on WSBC (AM 1240). Jatinder Bedi is Executive Editor of the local newspaper Indian Reporter and Imam Malik Mujhid is an Imam and Host and Founder of call-in program Radio Islam.

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