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Is Boycotting Israel Appropriate? A Jewish-Canadian Perspective

Is Boycotting Israel Appropriate? A Jewish-Canadian Perspective

Naomi Klein

Naomi Klein is Contributing Editor to Harper’s Magazine and author of the book The Shock Doctrine: the Rise of Disaster Capitalism. 

Naomi's perspective on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was changed after the Israeli assault on Gaza last December.  But, it was an event close to home that's gotten her in a real kettle of fish.

The recent Toronto International Film Festival took place last week to much controversy when the Festival organizers decided to spotlight the Israeli city of Tel Aviv. Naomi helped organize a letter protesting the festival's decision and as result, she's been under heavy assault and has been called every name in the book and worse...

You can read Naomi Klein's September 2009 article in Harper's here:

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