Chicago's NPR News Source

Uganda’s Anti Gay Law

Uganda’s Anti Gay Law

Uganda’s President, Yoweri Museveni.

The Ugandan Parliament is currently considering legislation that would criminalize sexual relations between persons of the same sex, making it punishable by life in prison or death. Even a doctor who works with someone who has become HIV positive through homosexual relations could be prosecuted and face death for aiding and abetting homosexual activity. And there's something else, the inspiration for the bill comes from Evangelical leaders here in the United States who promote Christianity's role in helping lead gays back to a straight life. They have missions and churches in Uganda.

Kisuule Magala is a Ugandan journalist and the online editor of Crested Journal. He currently lives in Chicago. He says the ties between influential leaders of the religious right here in the U.S. and Ugandan politicians, including the major backers of the legislation, goes back to the early 1980's. After the Obote regime was overthrown during a coup, members of its leadership, such as David Bahati and James Buturo, the current Minister of Ethics and Integrity, came to the United States. And while living in exile in Washington they established certain connections.

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