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Your Comments and Questions About Global Activists in Haiti

Your Comments and Questions About Global Activists in Haiti

Leave your questions and comments about what's happening in Haiti below. We will be checking in with past Global Activists and bringing you updates here in the comments section.

Related links to aid groups:
Petit-Goave Earthquake Relief and New Trier Haiti Project
Feed My Starving Children Haiti Earthquake Response
Looking for a family member in Haiti? International Committee of the Red Cross

Update: Fr. John Bellezza of Holy Angels Society

The children and custodians of Fr. Tony Cortesi's Holy Angels Hospice & Orphanage have been located and all are accounted for. The Red Cross has been in contact with Fr. John & Fr. Tony. Food, water & medical supplies are on their way to the children & their caretakers from United Nations rescue workers. Fr. Tony remains hospitalized in St. Louis after major abdominal surgery, and his prognosis is still not clear. Fr. Tony said: "I wish I could be there to help…but in my current condition, I'd just be getting in the way. I can't wait to talk to my kids!"

Update: Statement from Judy Hoffman of Art Creation Foundation Creation for Children in Haiti

Good news. Last evening we were able to confirm that our children made it through, as did our staff/families. Most have no homes, and all are sleeping in the street. Many of the children can not find their families/relatives and those who can report that their homes have been destroyed as has much of Jacmel (buildings down everywhere, deaths and injuries have not yet been assessed, two schools collapsed I am told w children inside, etc.-horrible) There is no aid whatsoever that has made it in to Jacmel. Miracle is that our building is standing just is a miracle that all made it through and today they will go there (aftershocks over) and there is food and water. ACFFC is going to become a central aid point in Jacmel so we need all the help we can get. Please write/call the world and let them know that Jacmel is getting no help so far at all and there is desperate need. We need to raise funds, knowing that ACFFC will be a central aid location in Jacmel. Our children are prepared to help as is staff. We are all one family. READ MORE FROM THE UPDATE...

Global Activism Segment about Haiti:

Global Activism: Art Helps Children in Haiti

Global Activism Segments about Haiti:
Global Activism: Feeding the Starving in Haiti

Global Activism: Microfinance Banking in Haiti
Update : An Urgent Message to Friends of Fonkoze Regarding the Earthquake Wednesday, January 13, 2010 – 7:02 PM (ET)

A message from Steve Werlin, a branch manager for Fonkoze

What we know:

*Father Joseph is O.K. – this has been confirmed from two sources.
*Anne Hastings, SFF CEO, and other Senior HQ staff are O.K.
*Leigh Carter, Executive Director Fonkoze USA, was in Haiti to co-lead a delegation. She has a back injury, the extent to which we are unclear, and is at the U.S. Embassy. She is awaiting evacuation out of Haiti
What we don't know:
Status of Port au Prince Branch
*Status of other branches that may have been affected, their staff, families, and borrowers READ MORE FROM THE UPDATE...

Global Activism: Community Development in Rural Haiti
Update: Statement from New Life for Haiti:
On Monday, a massive earthquake struck Haiti, devastating much of Port-au-Prince and destroying homes throughout this impoverished country. International aid is being quickly mobilized to assist in recovery efforts in Port-au-Prince, but chances are, the rural villages in the Grand'Anse River Valley will be largely ignored by this international effort. This river valley is home to tens of thousands of people whose homes were also damaged or destroyed in the quake. With Monday night's rains, many residents of Marfranc, the village in the river valley in which we work, ended up sleeping in the churches because their homes had been destroyed or were too damaged to stay in READ MORE FROM THE UPDATE...

Update: The Children’s Place Association
Update 1/14/10 – 10:00 a.m.:
Our Haiti project coordinator Hannah Hoover finally received a call from Haiti this morning. One of our employees there, Roland, was finally able to make a call. We know that he is okay but that he has not been able to reach anyone else yet or to assess the situation for our children and families. Apparently it has been raining without let up for the last few days in the north and they are worried about flooding. The phone went dead after a minute or two but we are at least relieved to have heard something. READ MORE UPDATES...

RELATED: Past Global Activists from Haiti

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