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How Alaska’s Salmon Fisheries Became the Envy of the World

How Alaska’s Salmon Fisheries Became the Envy of the World

Benjamin Mobeck Jr. hauls in a gill net filled with salmon. (Photo: Clark James Mishler)

A study published in the journal Science predicts that commercial fish stocks will collapse by the year 2048, if we don't radically change how we manage our global fisheries. The story of Alaska's wild salmon offers a very different picture. Alaska, along with New Zealand and Iceland, runs the world's most sustainable fisheries.

To find out what Alaska does right and whether its system could be a model for the world, Worldview spoke with journalist Bruce Porter. His article, “Fishing for Answers in Alaska”, appears in the most recent issue of the magazine Miller-McCune. His interest in Alaskan salmon started 50 years ago, when he took a job with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. He was stationed in Alaska before it gained statehood.

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