Chicago's NPR News Source

Worldview 01-05-10

Worldview 01-05-10

President Laurent Gbagbo refuses to concede power to the president-elect of Ivory Coast, Alassane Ouattara. Getty/Stringer

Ivory Coast has been in a political deadlock since President Laurent Gbagbo threw out November’s election results. On Tuesday,  Gbagbo lifted a blockade on the headquarters of president-elect Alassane Ouattara but thus far has refused to relinquish control despite international condemnation. We'll talk with  Jennifer Cooke from the Center for Strategic and International Studies about the ongoing political turmoil.  And for their monthly album preview, Jerome and Radio M host Tony Sarabia listen to a new collaboration between Malian kora player Ballake Sissoko and French cellist Vincent Segal.

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