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Landowners oppose the 1,700-mile Keystone XL pipeline

Landowners oppose the 1,700-mile Keystone XL pipeline

Rancher Ernie Fellows opposes the planned pipeline, which will run across his land in Mills, Nebraska.

AP/Nati Harnik

If built, the Keystone XL pipeline would slice through 1,700 miles of land to deliver crude oil from the tar sands in Alberta, Canada to refineries on the Gulf Coast. The project would impact thousands of landowners in five states.  We speak with three of these landowners who are protesting the project, which has been proposed by TransCanada.

Earlier this month, Ben Gotschall of Nebraska, as well as David Daniel and Eleanor Fairchild from East Texas, traveled along the route of the proposed pipeline to speak out against it. The pipeline, they say, will threaten grasslands that have been unspoiled for generations as well as the livelihoods of American farmers, while reaping profits for a foreign oil company. They stopped by to discuss the project while on their way to protests in Washington D.C.

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