Chicago's NPR News Source

Worldview 11.2.11

Worldview 11.2.11

Morales’ plan to build a highway through the Amazon basin is angering his indigenous base.

AP/Dado Galdieri

Bolivia’s president, Evo Morales, is under fire for his support of a proposed highway through a national park, as well as other not-so-green projects. These efforts, along with his crackdown on protesters and support of extraction industries, suggest that the U.N. may have spoken too soon when they dubbed Morales the “World Hero of Mother Earth." We discuss the backlash with political scientist Miguel Centellas. Later, we compare Greece to Argentina, which defaulted in 2002 after years of inflation and bad economic policy. As the Greek government teeters toward collapse and the embattled prime minister pushes for a surprise referendum on E.U. bailout plan, we examine what the Argentine experience can teach us about Greece's current troubles. And on Global Notes, we listen to the debut album by Fatoumata Diawara, a Malian artist who’s become a hit in Europe.

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