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Global Activism: Clinic in Nicaraguan highlands provides reproductive health care for women

Global Activism: Clinic in Nicaraguan highlands provides reproductive health care for women

A mother cares for her baby at a children’s hospital in Nicaragua.

AP/Esteban Felix

Affectionately known as "Mama Licha," Alicia Huete Diaz has a clinic in Esteli, Nicaragua that's trained 3,000 midwives to date and has raised the quality of reproductive healthcare in the entire highlands region.

Mama Licha is joined by her passionate supporters, Angie Rodgers and Jean Paschen, to discuss her work. Angie is co-founder of Juntos Adelante, an organization that helps sustain Mama Licha’s clinic. And Jean is a WBEZ listener from Evanston who first heard of the clinic on Worldview in 2007, was inspired by the story, and recently held a fundraiser for Mama Licha's efforts.

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