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Spain fails to keep repatriation promise to Sephardic Jews

Spain fails to keep repatriation promise to Sephardic Jews

1492 was a pivotal year in Spain and world history. Many know it as the year Columbus launched his journeys from Spain. But many may not know that 1492 was when the Spanish Crown decreed all Jews be expelled from the country. Some quarter million Jews were forced to leave. But in 2012, Spain announced it would grant full citizenship to Jews of Sephardic origin. But "The Jewish Daily Forward" writer, Josh Nathan-Kazis, a Sephardic Jew, says to date, Spain has not granted one Sephardic Jew a passport. Nathan-Kazis flew to Spain for answers as he explored his own claim to Spanish citizenship. He wrote about his experience and he’ll talk with us about his trek. (PHOTO: Spanish Jews in Catalonia/AP Photo/Manu Fernandez)

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