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Gay Nigerians fight for rights against anti-gay law

Gay Nigerians fight for rights against anti-gay law

Nigeria’s anti-gay law states "Any person who registers, operates or participates in gay clubs, societies and organisations or directly or indirectly makes public show of same-sex amorous relationship in Nigeria commits an offence and shall each be liable on conviction to a term of 10 years in prison." Victor Charles Aweke is a Nigerian who openly volunteered on HIV and human rights issues until violent threats forced him to leave his home country. John Adewoye, a Nigerian-American gay man from the Chicago area, originally came to the U.S. as a Catholic priest. He sought out "conversion therapy", but now views the practice as illegitimate. They’ll both talk about what it means to be Nigerian and gay in their home country and in the diaspora at large. (Photo: Rashidi Williams, a gay man, ride in a car in Lagos, Nigeria. When a gang of men beat up Rashidi Williams earlier this year, the 25-year-old gay Nigerian was too afraid to report the attack to police or even his family. Doing so would only create more problems, he says, in this country where legislators are now seeking to criminalize gay marriage. Here in the megacity of Africa's most populous nation, Williams says he doesn't even know of any gays or lesbians who would want to get married given the added safety risks it would bring. (AP Photo/Sunday Alamba))

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