Chicago's NPR News Source

Global Activism: Bookwallah Update

A college student studies in an open ground outside the City Central Library in Hyderabad, India.

A college student studies in an open ground outside the City Central Library in Hyderabad, India.

AP Photo/Mahesh Kumar A.

For our Global Activism segment, we’ll get an update on the group Bookwallah (“book peddler“ in Hindi) from its founder and CEO, Seena Jacob. 

The group provides books and establishes libraries for orphans in India and elsewhere. 

Jacob says, “if you know a child has suffered or has endured hardship...and you have a chance to...bring hope, happiness, and smiles -- through the simple gift of a book -- does it matter where they live?” Joining Jacob is Bookwallah board member Chetan Ghai, chief product officer at Narrative Science.

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