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Peter Beinart On Gaza And The 'Two-State Solution'

School girls look while pass the house morning of Mohammed Ayyoub, 14, who was killed during a protest along Gaza's border with Israel, east of Jebaliya Yesterday, at the main road in Jebaliya refugee camp, Gaza Strip, Saturday, April 21, 2018.

School girls look while pass the house morning of Mohammed Ayyoub, 14, who was killed during a protest along Gaza’s border with Israel, east of Jebaliya Yesterday, at the main road in Jebaliya refugee camp, Gaza Strip, Saturday, April 21, 2018.

AP Photo/Adel Hana

The past few Fridays, Palestinian protesters have participated in what organizers call “The Great March of Return” along Gaza’s border with Israel. The march is to symbolize what protesters claim as their right to return to the homes of their parents and grandparents, lost after Israel’s founding in 1948. So far, Israeli forces have shot and killed 45 people, including four children, and two journalists. The United Nations estimates the number of wounded at around 5,500. Scores of protesters have lost limbs from their injuries. We’ll get an American-Jewish perspective on the crisis from Peter Beinart, associate professor of journalism and political science at City University of New York (CUNY). He also writes for Haaretz, The Forward, and The Atlantic. His latest Op-Ed for The Forward is titled “American Jews Have Abandoned Gaza — And The Truth."

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