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Anne Frank’s Story Continues To Link Past And Present

Anne Frank

Anne Frank

Anne Frank, whose diary of her time in hiding as a Jewish child during World War Two has been read by thousands, would have turned 90 years old this month. As part of Anne Frank Month as the Illinois Holocaust Museum, Ronald Leopold, executive director of the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam, spoke at the museum about Anne’s life and her family’s hiding place. While he is in town, he joins Worldview to share what he has learned about combating anti-Semitism and other forms of hatred in an increasingly divided world. Also with us is George Levy Mueller, a local Holocaust survivor born in Germany whose story shares similarities with Anne’s. Mueller spent part of the war hidden in the Netherlands as a child. He and his sister Ursula were liberated from Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in April 1945, after spending time in two other camps. Joining the conversation along with Leopold and Mueller is Amanda Friedeman, assistant director of education at the Illinois Holocaust Museum.

This segment is part of an ongoing collaboration between Worldview and the Illinois Holocaust Museum, as Worldview celebrates 25 years and the museum celebrates 10.

Holocaust survivor George Levy Mueller as a child with his mother, Lucie.

Holocaust survivor George Levy Mueller as a child with his mother, Lucie.

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