Chicago's NPR News Source

Alison Flowers

In the final installment of the Exoneree Diaries, Alison Flowers reflects on the lessons learned following the lives of three exonerated prisoners.
Two major turning points help James move his life forward past his wrongful imprisionment.
Jacques’ legal team continues his lawsuit against the Chicago Police Department, a process that keeps him from closure on his wrongful imprisonment.
Antoine has an emotional reunion with the family of the man who helped free him, as he works to outrun the shadow of his wrongful conviction.
James goes out to celebrate fellow exonoree Eric Caine, only to be reminded of the difficulties of life after incarceration.
With a rough year coming to a close, Jacques gets some help to stay on the right path and leave bad habits in his past.
Antoine tries to give others the little things - letters, haircuts - so they don’t have to go through the same troubles he did.
Even as other problems swirl, James focuses on his chance to testify and attempt to finally clear his name.
More than 20 years after being wrongly convicted, Jacques is still learning to deal with a temper that’s viewed differently on the outside.
A prank gets out of hand, and Antoine has to help his son fight charges in a situation stacked against him.
James spent 25 years falsly imprisioned, but while his crime was absolved his debts were not. Now a lost job complicates plans for rebuilding his life.
On a walk through Chicago’s Austin neighborhood, Antoine talks about his hopes for his childhood home.
Exoneree Jacques Rivera goes to Cook County Juvenile Temporary Detention Center to talk to youth about their wishes for the future.
‘Antione can be a little bit of a dreamer.’
Antione’s band had a simple name and premise: Exoneree Band, formerly incarcerated and exonerated guys.
After all the lights and the cameras shut down, life as an exoneree begins.
What do you think contributes to violence?
“They were young when I left them, so they really don’t know me and I don’t know them.”