Chicago's NPR News Source

Geoff Bennett

Democrats this week introduced a rare procedural move to force a vote on the Dream Act, while Republicans rolled out a conservative-friendly option aimed at resolving the legal status of Dreamers.
The president will make his debut at an institution he has often criticized for inaction. National security adviser H.R. McMaster says Trump will be pushing for change.
Sen. Scott — the only black Republican currently serving in the Senate — is also expected to broach anti-poverty efforts, HBCUs, criminal justice policy on Wednesday.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said she had asked Trump to tweet some assurance to the DREAMers protected by DACA and the president did just that — posting a message to his 38 million followers.
President Trump has told immigrants who were brought to the U.S. illegally as children to “rest easy,” but now supporters of the Obama-era program fear it could soon be phased out.
President Trump held a rally in Phoenix Tuesday night. Meanwhile, protesters gathered outside.
Anthony Scaramucci’s departure comes after just 10 days in the position. The move comes just hours into John Kelly’s tenure as chief of staff.
Donald Trump Jr. and former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort agreed to meet privately with members of the Senate Judiciary Committee this week. Michel Martin talks to NPR Politics’ Geoff Bennett.
The Senate will postpone debate on the GOP bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act until Sen. John McCain returns to Washington.
The bipartisan legislation aims to transform the culture at the Department of Veterans Affairs. It shortens the process for removing negligent staffers and adds new protections for whistleblowers.
President Trump is preparing to announce changes in U.S. policy towards Cuba during a visit to Miami on Friday, possibly tightening restrictions loosened by the Obama administration.
The GOP-led House approved legislation that scales back the massive set of Wall Street regulations created after the 2008 financial crisis. The Financial CHOICE Act faces dim prospects in the Senate.
The House approved a bipartisan spending bill that keeps the federal government funded through September, sending it to the Senate. President Trump has pushed back as Democrats declare it a victory.
After walking back a demand for border wall funding, President Trump is no longer threatening to stop health care subsidies under Obamacare, as conservatives renew a bid to repeal and replace the law.
Congress must act by Friday to avoid a partial government shutdown on Donald Trump’s 100th day in office. That could be complicated as the White House pushes a border wall, health care and taxes.
On Capitol Hill, several members of Congress questioned the constitutionality of President Trump’s action. Others commended the decision while also calling for consultation with Congress.
The group led GOP opposition in the Obama years, but after torpedoing efforts to overhaul health care led by President Trump, the Freedom Caucus is sorting out how to work with fellow Republicans.