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Geoff Nunberg

F. Scott Fitzgerald once declared that using an exclamation point was like laughing at your own joke, but linguist Geoff Nunberg begs to differ. He’s begun embracing the mark in his own writing.
Donald Trump isn’t the first politician to use coarse language, but linguist Geoff Nunberg says the 2005 Access Hollywood tape of him discussing women’s genitalia wasn’t like other live-mic incidents.
Donald Trump’s promise to be the “law-and-order” candidate revived a slogan often associated with Nixon’s 1968 presidential campaign. Linguist Geoff Nunberg discusses the term’s racial underpinings
While some of his colleagues have criticized the current trend of starting sentences with the phrase, “I feel like,” linguist Geoff Nunberg says it’s just a case of generational misunderstanding.
As the French debate spelling changes to their language, linguist Geoff Nunberg suggests that Americans take a closer look at some of the quirks of English.