Chicago's NPR News Source

Institute For The Study Of Women & Gender

A culturally enriching and empowering event featuring Chicago’s youth-led organizations & guest speaker Dr. Beth Richie. Crossroads Fund grantees will be discussing and displaying the power of youth activism through dialogue & interaction, a community panel and a social justice expo.
The Ellen Stone Belic Institute for Women and Gender in the Arts co-presents with the Center on Halsted, Community Media Workshop, and Windy City Times newspaper, Urvashi Vaid, one of the most influential and insightful social justice leaders will discuss her new book, Irresistible Revolution Confronting Race, Class and the Assumptions of LGBT Politics.
Amy Goodman discusses her new book (written with Denis Moynihan), which provides a vivid record of the events, conflicts, and social movements shaping our society today. Their stories of the silenced majority are set against the backdrop of the mainstream media’s abject failure, with its small circle of pundits who know so little about so much, attempting to explain the world to us and getting it so wrong.
This year’s Rap Sessions panel explores the ways the election of Obama, the emergence of the Tea Party, and the shifting national political landscape has both strengthened and diminished hip-hop’s effectiveness at galvanizing youth.