Chicago's NPR News Source

Lauren Sommer

Intense climate negotiations in Glasgow, Scotland brought about major breakthroughs and compromises, as world leaders sought to avert extreme climate change.
Despite new pledges to cut emissions, the world is not on track to hit a key climate change target. Scientists warn a planet hotter than that will look very different.
Burning fossil fuels must decline almost immediately, a new study finds, for the planet to avoid more extreme floods, droughts and heat waves.
With the global pandemic still in the spotlight, more than 200 leading health journals say climate change is an even more urgent threat.
Hurricanes, wildfires, heat waves and disease outbreaks are all a preview of our hotter future. Dramatically cutting greenhouse gas emissions would help.
California has so much solar energy that some days, there’s too much. One solution is to join forces across state borders. But in the West, that’s sparking some not-so-neighborly opposition.
Water restrictions in some cities ban filling new pools with drinkable water.
Scientists say that as the climate continues to warm, more precipitation will fall as rain instead of snow in the Sierra Nevadas.
Despite millions in taxpayer dollars invested, it still remains largely just an idea.
Renewable energy is only one of the steps toward achieving the goals set by the Paris climate deal. We take a trip around North America to explore other ways of keeping carbon out of the atmosphere.