Chicago's NPR News Source

Michelle Andrews

For people who buy health insurance through the marketplace created by the Affordable Care Act, the 2018 open enrollment period begins November 1. Shopping for health insurance is about as entertaining as picking dryer lint off your clothes, but this year it’s essential to sit down at your computer or work in person with a navigator (if you can find one; federal funding for these health insurance helpers has been trimmed, too,) and review the plans offered in your area.
The bill H.R. 1215 is part of a package of proposed reforms that supplement the American Health Care Act, the House measure to replace the Affordable Care Act that was narrowly approved in May. The Trump administration has pledged to support the tort reform legislation.
Under the Affordable Care Act, most members of Congress and staff who want to buy health insurance must buy it on the exchange. That requirement is not affected by bills aimed at replacing the ACA.
The woman set to run the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services told senators that maternity coverage should be optional in individual and small group plans. Other services could be cut entirely.
Some doctors and a key group of preventive care experts aren’t seeing eye to eye on seniors’ need for vision screening during primary care visits.