Chicago's NPR News Source

Peter Thomson

Scott Pruitt says there’s no proof that carbon dioxide pollution is causing the Earth to heat up. Well-established science — and a scientist who’s a fellow Republican — says that’s flat-out wrong.
How do you balance the ebbs and flows of wind and solar power to use it when and where it’s most needed? Turn it into hydrogen and use it to drive cars.
Usually a parade of global figures lining up at the UN to sign a document is pretty much just for show — a lot of words and gestures for questionable real-world impact. But this signing ceremony for the new Paris climate agreement could be something different.
The US and the rest of the world failed to forge an ambitious plan to tackle the climate crisis six years ago in Copenhagen. Since then the crisis has only gotten worse, but going into the next global climate summit in Paris, President Obama’s top science adviser John Holdren is hopeful that world leaders are finally ready to step up to the challenge of avoiding catastrophic climate change.
The “thousand-year” flood that hit the Carolinas earlier this week is just the latest in a string of extraordinary rain events in the US and around the world. And while the details differ, they fit into a pattern directly linked to climate change.