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Marco Rubio

In the presidential primary cycle, this is the date when the most delegates are at stake, with 13 states voting on one day.
Jeremy Hobson talks with political analysts and visits a center that offers services to Nashville’s growing immigrant population.
Some analysts say it’s Marco Rubio’s best chance for a Super Tuesday victory. It’s also is predicted to be a key state in the general election.
There was record turnout for early voting in Tennessee. Chas Sisk of WPLN in Nashville discusses expectations for turnout overall.
GOP leaders in Colorado decided last summer not to hold a statewide straw vote tonight. We learn why.
The realization that Donald Trump is the likely GOP nominee is dividing lawmakers on Capitol Hill into different camps: Republicans who think he will ruin the party; Republicans who think he can actually win; and Democrats who think he will put more races into play than originally forecast.
There is more at stake Tuesday than at any other point of the presidential primary season. About a dozen states are voting, with Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton favored in many.
It’s the biggest day of voting in the 2016 primary season. Donald Trump is looking to solidify his path to the GOP nomination, while Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio are looking to knock him off course.
Ahead of the biggest voting day of the 2016 primary season, Donald Trump’s rivals are desperately trying to thwart him from steadying his path to the nomination.
Thirteen states, as well as American Samoa and Democrats abroad, will cast their votes tomorrow.