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Chicago Area Father Deported Despite Humanitarian Plea


A father from Naperville was deported to Mexico Saturday after his plea to stay in the country on humanitarian grounds was rejected by the federal government.

Alejandro Medina Franco appealed to Immigration and Customs Enforcement so that he could remain in the United States to care for his two-year-old daughter Joyce, who has severe spina bifida.

It didn’t work, and he was soon on a plane to Michoacan in central Mexico.

Part of the problem for Franco was his criminal record. According to the Chicago Tribune, he was convicted of trying to sell a fraudulent identification card in 2003 and with simple battery.

Under the Obama administration, Franco was permitted to stay, but the Trump administration, known for its more hardline immigration policies, did not agree.

Morning Shift explores what standard a plea must meet for a deportation to be stayed on humanitarian or compassionate grounds and why Alejandro Medina Franco’s plea did not meet that standard.

GUEST: Michael Jarecki, immigration lawyer, member of the American Immigration Lawyers Association

LEARN MORE: Naperville father deported despite plea that ICE allow him to stay in the U.S. with daughter who has spina bifida (Chicago Tribune 7/28/18)

Naperville father, facing deportation, fights to stay in U.S. to help care for daughter who has spina bifida (Chicago Tribune 7/26/18)

Stay Of Deportation: Humanitarian And Compassionate Grounds (Pace Law)

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