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Former Mayoral Challenger Gery Chico Takes On Chicago Neighborhoods

Former Mayoral Challenger Gery Chico Takes On Chicago Neighborhoods

In this Sept. 24, 2018, file photo, attorney Gery Chico stopped by the Morning Shift to talk about his bid for the mayor’s seat. Chico returned to show on June 26, 2019, to talk about his new leadership role with Local Initiatives Support Corporation Chicago.

Jason Marck

While Gery Chico's recent campaign to become Chicago’s next mayor was unsuccessful, the lawyer and City Hall veteran has taken on a new role aimed at improving Chicago neighborhoods. 

Chico was recently named the board chairman of Local Initiatives Support Corporation Chicago, the local office of the nation’s leading community development support organization. LISC Chicago has been working in Chicago neighborhoods since 1980.

Chico joins the Morning Shift to talk about his new leadership role and why it was the right next step for him.

GUESTS: Gery Chico, board chairman of LISC Chicago

Meghan Harte, executive director for LISC Chicago

LEARN MORE: Vanquished mayoral challenger Gery Chico takes on new challenge(Chicago Sun-Times 6/18/19)

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