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GoT 7.0: Season 7 Prologue

Nerdette Game of Thrones Recaps Lyric Opera Photo

Greta, Tricia, and Peter posed for photos on the historic stage at Lyric Opera of Chicago, using stately robes and weaponry from the company’s prop closet. Thanks to the Lyric for humoring us! You can tour the 87-year-old building, with access to the backstage and more, by visiting the Lyric Opera of Chicago’s website.

Andrew Gill

Where exactly is Bran again? Is Arya finally back in Westeros? Does Cersei have any kids left? Are Tyrion and Daenerys besties?

A lot went down in the last season of HBO’s Game of Thrones. To help refresh your memory — or if you just want to revisit the best lines from Lady Mormont — Nerdette’sTricia Bobeda and Greta Johnsen rejoin Wait, Wait … Don’t Tell Me’s Peter Sagal and recap the last season. They also take a stab at making their own predictions for the next season, which premieres July 16.

They’ll also recap each episode of the new season every Monday, and we want to hear from you. Join the conversation and share your own theories with us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram using the hashtag #GOTnerdcaps. You can also leave us a voicemail at 312-948-4687, preferably late Sunday night just after the latest episode.

Here are some highlights from Peter, Greta and Tricia’s discussion of Season 6.

On pouring a goblet out for Hodor

(Photo courtesy of HBO)

Greta: In terms of people who died in Season 6, he’s definitely who I’m the most upset about.

Peter: I know. It was very sad to see him go. You know who else is sad about it?

Tricia: Meera.

Peter: Because she’s got to got to carry Bran herself with no horse and nothing.

On Dany’s yacht club

(Photo courtesy of HBO)

Peter: I think it was the final shot of the last episode, where basically you pan across her sailing army. And it’s almost like going down her inventory. So here are the Dothraki and their horses in the holds. Here are the Unsullied, all standing there.

And I wondered, because everybody in this entire sequence of shots is standing on their ship facing directly forward — like they’re just watching, just standing there, looking where they’re going — and you wonder, “They gonna do that the whole voyage? Cause it’s like three weeks.” …

And I’m also wondering, “Do the dragons fly the whole way? Do they ever get to land? Where do they land? What ship gets the dragons?

Tricia: They’re now the size of 747s.

On Arya killing it … Literally

Tricia: She’s a little bit Dexter Morgan-y, I think, this season. It’s just the kill list and a lot of quiet murder.

Peter: Be careful when she starts making breakfast.

On Jon Snow, king of whatever

(Helen Sloan/courtesy of HBO)

Tricia: So if we head north, we have zombie Jon who’s in charge now and seems resigned to being in charge because of winning the battle.

Peter: He does seem ambivalent about it. … Remember, there’s that argument with Sansa about who should get the lord’s chamber, and he’s not sure. And even the scene where he’s declared the king of the north, he is not all that into it.

Greta: Well it seems like Sansa is ambivalent about it, too, wouldn’t you say?

Peter: Yeah, Sansa is ambivalent about a lot of things, which is strange considering her newly found force of action. There’s no shot, for example, of either of them joining the cheers as the various lords and men around them. …

Oh, I should just say men and, of course, the great Lady Mormont, who has the best speech … where she stands up and shames the other lords. “You didn’t show up for the battle, but the House of Mormont stayed true,” says the 9-year-old girl.

Tricia: If she gets the Iron Throne, I’m cool with that.

Prediction: Sam, secret hero of the day

(Helen Sloan/courtesy of HBO)

Tricia: Let’s not forget who makes these books and makes this show: nerdy boys. And so who’s actually, probably going to save the day? The nerdiest boy of them all.

Greta: Neville Longbottom.

Peter: You’re absolutely right. If you wanted to pick one character out of this whole thing who is most like its author, it is Sam. If you’ve ever seen or heard George R.R. Martin speak, he is Samwell Tarly.

(Andrew Gill/WBEZ/Lyric Opera of Chicago)

Greta, Tricia, and Peter posed for photos on the historic stage at Lyric Opera of Chicago, using stately robes and weaponry from the company's prop closet. Thanks to the Lyric for humoring us! You can tour the 87-year-old building, with access to the backstage and more, by visiting the Lyric Opera of Chicago’s website.  

This conversation has been edited for brevity and clarity. Click the “play” button to listen to the entire show.

You can tweet your thoughts about the show to @NerdettePodcast, @TriciaBobeda or @GretaMJohnsen, and your angry rants to @PeterSagal.

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