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GoT 8.3: The Long Night

Lady Mormont

Who runs the world?

Helen Sloan

Careful. Spoilers abound.

What’s that up in the sky? A bird? A plane?

[Adjusts TV settings.]

Oh it’s Dany and Jon on some dragons, doing something that doesn’t look terribly useful for everyone getting slaughtered on the ground by the Night King’s zombie army.

After much hype, we finally (sorta) saw the Battle of Winterfell, allegedly the longest battle sequence ever filmed. It was somehow devastating, boring and enthralling at the same time.

Tricia, Greta and Peter consider the undead, the newly dead and where we go from here on their latest recap of Season 8 of HBO's Game of Thrones.

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What’s Euron been up to?



Greta Johnsen, holding out hope for woke Euron


“Painting his nails and listening to Black Sabbath.”

Tricia Bobeda, still hoping for an interesting Night King narrative


"I think Cersei would much prefer that he read this."

Peter Sagal, who would've hidden in the crypt

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