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Video: Pro Wrestler Colt Cabana talks WWE, 'Art of Wrestling' podcast, CM Punk and more

Video: Pro Wrestler Colt Cabana talks WWE, 'Art of Wrestling' podcast, CM Punk and more

Flickr/Cameraman Greg

Whether you’re into pro wrestling or you couldn’t name a wrestler since Hulk Hogan, you’ll find a lot to like about Colt Cabana. The Chicago-based pro indy wrestler (he grew up in Deerfield) is funny, gracious and absolutely passionate about what he does — whether, as he puts it, he’s wrestling in front of 6,000 people in an arena or in front of 40 people on a baseball field.

Cabana (real name Scott Colton) talks here about his time in the WWE, his popular Art of Wrestling podcast (think Marc Maron’s WTF for the wrestling community), his close friendship with WWE star CM Punk and more.

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