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CERN: What’s it All About?

Young-Kee Kim, deputy director of Fermilab and professor of physics at the University of Chicago, discusses the importance of the Higgs boson, a never-before-seen subatomic particle, what its discovery would mean for physics and society, and recent advances in Higgs boson research and high-energy particle experimentation in Europe and the United States.

Some scientists believe that the Higgs boson, a never-before-seen subatomic particle, is the fundamental building block of the universe that gives mass to matter. Recent high-energy particle experiments at the European Organization for Nuclear Research, or CERN, have hinted at the existence of this “god particle.” But what exactly is the Higgs boson and why do people call it the “god particle”? This program highlights the importance of this subatomic particle and discusses what its discovery would mean for physics and society. The program also presents recent advances in Higgs boson research and the future directions of high-energy particle experimentation in Europe and the United States. Speaking at this event is Young-Kee Kim, deputy director of Fermilab and professor of physics at the University of Chicago.


Recorded Tuesday, May 1, 2012 at the Chicago Club.

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