Chicago's NPR News Source

Chicago To Finally Replace Lead Pipes Feeding Park Drinking Fountains

Kid drinking out of water fountain

The announcement of the five-year fountain overhaul comes about nine weeks before an estimated 40,000 Chicago kids start park district day camp, where many campers will drink from park fountains each day. (WBEZ/Monica Eng)

The Chicago Park District has announced a five-year plan to remove or replace lead service lines to its public drinking fountains.

Water from about 700 fountains has lead levels above what the Environmental Protection Agency considers safe, and some fountains have as much as 80 times that amount.

In the meantime, the Park District will flush out some fountains before the summer, keep some running continuously and shut off others in areas that get fewer visitors.

What do you need to know about public drinking fountains this summer?

GUEST: Monica Eng, WBEZ reporter

LEARN MORE: Center for Disease Control and Prevention

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