Chicago's NPR News Source

Organizers Push For Environmental Justice Reform On The Southwest Side


Flickr/Seth Anderson

In Chicago’s Little Village neighborhood, organizers have spent years fighting against coal plants, warehouses and factories in their area that are polluting the air and impacting the health of residents.

They successful campaigned to have two coal plants closed down in 2012. Mayor Rahm Emanuel promised more environmentally friendly businesses would take root but now, more heavy industry is moving in.

An investigation by the Better Government Association and the Chicago Sun-Times this week shows how environmental activists and residents are pushing back.

Kim Wasserman of the Little Village Environmental Justice Organization joins the Morning Shift to talk about environmental justice reforms. Ald. Ricardo Munoz of the 22nd ward also calls in to discuss the issue.

GUESTS: Kim Wasserman, executive director of the Little Village Environmental Justice Organization

Ald. Ricardo Munoz, 22nd ward (includes Little Village, South Lawndale and Archer Heights)

LEARN MORE: Fed-up Residents on South, West Sides Fight City Hall Over Influx of Polluting Industries (Better Government Association/Chicago Sun-Times 8/6/18)

Little Village Framework Plan (Chicago Department of Planning and Development 7/19/18)

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