Chicago's NPR News Source

Asma Khalid

President Biden’s first year in the White House has been marked by record GDP growth and job gains, so why do voters keep giving him poor marks on the economy?
President Biden has decades of experience in foreign policy, but the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan is his first major foreign policy crisis as president.
Joe Biden has a long personal relationship with law enforcement, dating back to his work on the 1990s crime bill. But it’s not clear those ties will help him in the current debate over police reform.
More than a dozen Republican state attorneys general are suing the Biden administration over a provision in the American Rescue Plan that prevents states from using relief money for tax cuts.
Trump spoke after the AP called Texas, Florida, Ohio and Iowa for him. Tight races, strong turnout and record amounts of mail-in voting left millions of legitimate votes still to be counted.
The big unknown for Democrats is whether organizing from your laptop is just as effective as pounding the pavement.
The presumptive Democratic presidential nominee said every governor should mandate mask-wearing as a way to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
For the first time, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee has personally responded to an allegation of sexual assault from a former Senate staffer.
You may be looking at early exit polls to see how the political winds are blowing. But exit polls are not very helpful in gauging turnout. And because so many people vote early, they are incomplete.
In recent midterms, 4 in 10 eligible voters cast ballots. Nonvoters talk of apathy, disgust, barriers and other reasons. But those who don’t vote, and their interests, can be ignored by candidates.
The first test comes this Tuesday when voters on the Southwest Side of Chicago will decide between a long-serving conservative Democrat Dan Lipinski and his progressive challenger, Marie Newman.
Kudlow is a longtime free-markets conservative who supports most of the president’s policies, but has also criticized some of his trade policies.
Immigration advocates claim that about half of the most lucrative startups in America were founded by immigrants. But it’s complicated for a foreigner to start a company in America — there’s no such thing as a startup visa.
Democrats suffered a stunning defeat in the November election. As the party tries to rebuild, one place that might offer some lessons is Ohio, a state long considered a presidential battleground.
NPR’s Asma Khalid reflects on a year covering politics at a moment when being Muslim was seen as a political problem for some.
Young voters showed an increase in third -party support, potentially low turnout and stronger-than-expected support for Trump in some key Midwestern states that Clinton lost.
The progressive heroine and Massachusetts senator amped up a crowd before Hillary Clinton spoke in New Hampshire on Monday.
Hillary Clinton’s remark that “half of Trump’s supporters” are a “basket of deplorables” touched off a firestorm in political press, but it seems to barely register for some voters.