Chicago's NPR News Source

Joel Rose

Venezuelan migrants in the U.S. as of July 31 can sign up for Temporary Protected Status. Homeland Security officials estimate that roughly 472,000 more people will now be eligible for work permits.
On the anniversary of the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, a new NPR/Ipsos poll finds that Americans are pessimistic about the future of democracy, as false claims about the 2020 election persist.
Six weeks ago, DHS promised a quick investigation into images of Border Patrol agents on horses menacing Haitian migrants at the border. Critics say the discipline system needs an overhaul.
In a new report, activists say ICE systematically retaliates against them for their work, despite the agency’s denials. Advocates want the Biden administration to officially forbid the practice.
Four migrant families that were separated at the border by the Trump administration will be allowed to reunify in the United States this week, the secretary of Homeland Security announced.
Misinformation about the election and the coronavirus is also gaining a foothold in American society, according to a new NPR/Ipsos poll.
More Americans support than oppose recent protests after the shooting in Kenosha, Wisconsin, according to an Ipsos poll. But sharp divisions are emerging along racial and political party lines.
Just like in March, when coronavirus cases spiked for the first time, some workers and employers across the country face PPE shortages. Masks, gloves, gowns and other equipment are scarce.
Across the U.S., convention centers and empty fields were transformed into emergency field hospitals at a cost to federal taxpayers of more than $660 million. Most haven’t treated a single patient.
President Trump used his first prime-time address from the Oval Office to make the case for a $5.7 billion border wall. That demand and Democrats’ opposition has led to a partial government shutdown.
President Trump is floating a new tactic in his immigration crackdown — he wants to end the right to citizenship for babies born in the U.S. to noncitizens. Few legal experts believe it can be done.
The idea has already sparked warnings about consequences for immigrants and the nation’s health care system.
As the federal government tries to undo its migrant family separation policy, Trump administration officials faced tough questioning Tuesday from lawmakers on Capitol Hill.
Immigration lawyers had argued that the children and their parents were held in inhumane conditions. In another court, a judge gave credit and blame to the Trump administration on reuniting families.
NPR fact-checked the president’s claims on Twitter that “caravans” of people are crossing the U.S.-Mexico border to take advantage of DACA, and that Mexico could stop the inflow.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions has intervened in two cases that could have big implications for people who come to the U.S. and seek asylum.
Under the new directive, agents can only copy or analyze the contents of devices, such as phones and computers, in certain cases.
Immigrants’ rights groups say thousands of DACA renewal applications may have been wrongly rejected for being late. The Trump administration now says it will reconsider some of those applications.