Chicago's NPR News Source

Vicky Hallett

We asked our readers what they wanted to know about world hunger? So many thoughtful questions came in that we did a roundup of queries about hunger and famine.
It’s a problem with many of the anti-HIV options. Even if they’re proven to be effective, people don’t always want to use them.
U.S. dating customs can be a bit unusual. (Swipe right ...) Let’s see how people look for potential partners in other corners of the world.
A study reveals the staggering number of women and children (usually girls) who take a long walk to get water for the family.
Her parents were in exile from South Africa. She went to an international school in Kenya. And she never expected to wear the tiara.
Most states in the U.S. tax menstrual pads. Kenya got rid of its tax in 2004.
The reason: He was born with a cleft, considered a curse in Ghana. His life was saved by a stroke of luck.
March 21 is the busiest day on the U.N. calendar of international observances. Here’s what you need to know.
Children may not be able to put their emotions into words, says psychologist Vittoria Ardino. But give them crayons and they can reveal their feelings in pictures.
A Mumbai eatery is giving discounts to women who wear very high heels. Cops in a Russian city are pulling over female drivers to hand them roses.
Developing countries are often located in the parts of the world that are most vulnerable. Here’s what’s on their wishlist at the Paris conference.