Chicago's NPR News Source

Yolanda Perdomo

The area’s premier airport sports Terminals 1, 2, 3 and ... 5. What gives?
An Indiana home once described as the future has crumbled over time. Preservationists say it needs $2 million to bring it back to its old glory.
More than 100 people gathered outside Trump Tower in Chicago Tuesday to protest controversial comments Donald Trump made in 2005. In a tape leaked to the Washington Post, the Republican presidential candidate is heard making lewd remarks about women before an appearance on “Access Hollywood.” Trump has since apologized and dismissed his remarks as “locker room talk.” But the scores of protesters outside Trump Tower were not buying it, and held signs playing off some of the comments caught on the tape.
Metra’s board of directors gave tentative approval for a 5.8 percent fare hike that could go into effect February.
A Chicago disability rights group sued Uber Thursday over wheelchair accessibility, arguing the mobile ride-hailing company’s adherence to federal disability laws “ranges from token to non-existent” despite its expanding role in the nation’s transportation system.
A study called “Hands Off Pants On’ is detailing the sexual harassment of local hotel and casino workers. About 500 women surveyed say 58% of hotel workers and 77% of casino workers have been sexually harassed by male guests. For housekeepers, more than 45% of them surveyed say a guest is naked, exposes or flashes a female housekeeper when they answer the door. Those workers want panic buttons in the event that they are cornered or feel threatened by a guest. Casino workers say they’d like harassers banned from the premises. WBEZ’s Yolanda Perdomo reports.
Presidential elections historically bring out more people to cast ballots. This year, to accommodate the crush of voters, the Chicago Board of Election opened a big space in the downtown area to get in as many early voters as they can through November 8th.
A neighborhood group in Chicago says a crumbling viaduct on the city’s west side needs to be fixed with TIF money. Along with the repairs, they also want a group of homeless people living there to be moved off the sidewalks and into shelters. The Randolph-Fulton Market Association says despite feeling unsafe because there are no nearby streetlights, they’re sensitive to the homeless and want the city to find them a suitable place to live. WBEZ’s Yolanda Perdomo has the story.
A new book called The Social Surge Theory looks at possible solutions to curtail violent crimes in large cities like Chicago. Published by Black Lives Matter Savannah, it suggests African-Americans reverse “black flight” and return to neighborhoods to reduce crime, violence and to rebuild communities spurring economic development. WBEZ’s Yolanda Perdomo reports.
Crossing guard workers and detention aides say they’re doing dangerous work while protecting the public. Which is why they say they want the same union contract as some other city of Chicago workers. The Service Employees International Union says they want the same deal the city has with the American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees. The city didn’t immediately return requests for comment. SEIU says it met with city officials. A counter offer was presented. Union reps wouldn’t reveal details of the contract only saying discussions continue. WBEZ’s Yolanda Perdomo reports.
The LGBT community gathered this week to remember T.T., a 28-year-old transgender woman found stabbed to death in the West Garfield Park community.
Chicago’s Pilsen neighborhood is known for its colorful and vibrant murals. A new one located on 16th and Blue Island is hoping to shine a light on underrepresented women. Artists Sam Kirk and Sandra Antongiorgi created “Weaving Cultures” to showcase women of different ethnic backgrounds and sexual orientations. The five vibrant faces show women of different age groups as well. One of the women illustrated on the mural is Latina and transgender. The artists say it was important to have that person because of the discrimination faced by transgender people. WBEZ’s Yolanda Perdomo reports.
A complaint against some O’Hare airport companies alleges that workers wages are being stolen by asking employees to work off the clock or for lower pay than their job classification requires. The Service Employees International Union is filing a complaint with the Illinois Department of Labor and the Chicago Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection. The airport workers were joined by several city alderman who support the employees efforts. Two companies mentioned in the complaint did not comment for the story. WBEZ’s Yolanda Perdomo reports.
The Fraternal Order of Police has declared September 2 through 5 “Unity Days,” and is asking officers to avoid non-mandatory overtime.’ In response, activists on Chicago’s South and West Sides say they’re planning a “Community Peace Surge” in at least 10 neighborhoods. The community component focuses on cleaning and planting, and the peace part is about providing activities like games, barbecues, free haircuts and concerts. The surge will be asking people to come out of their home and into their neighborhoods to show a united presence against violence and crime.
Immigration activists want the Department of Homeland Security to investigate its own agency over alleged civil rights violations of a Mexican man deported in January. Reynold Garcia was lured out of a church in Schaumburg by texts that he thought were coming from a friend. The messages were actually from Immigration and Customs Enforcement -- or ICE -- agents. Churches and schools are considered by ICE as sensitive locations. A statement from the Department of Homeland Security says arrests don’t happen in those places unless there are exigent circumstances posing national security threats. WBEZ’s Yolanda Perdomo reports.
Area activists say Chicago’s growing murder rate is not lost on them. They say while they don’t want to criticize police efforts, they say law enforcement needs to be more proactive to stop shootings and murders. Tio Hardiman, formerly of the violence prevention group Ceasefire, says he wants resources to train hundreds of people in “the art of violence interruption.” Hardiman says he needs millions of dollars for such training. CPD did not return requests for comment. In August, Chicago has had close to 80 murders. That’s almost twice what it was this time last year. WBEZ’s Yolanda Perdomo reports.
Cook County Clerk David Orr gathered with state lawmakers and same-sex couples to celebrate an upcoming milestone: issuing 10,000 same sex marriage licenses. County officials say they’re about 10 licenses short of the goal. WBEZ’s Yolanda Perdomo has the story.
Five leasing companies were sued by Access Living after allegedly discriminating against deaf people who inquired about housing. A settlement was recently reached with four of the companies. A fifth is no longer in the leasing business. Using a discrimination test, would be landlords allegedly either hung up on deaf callers or told them not to call again. Under the terms of the settlement those rental agencies will set aside housing for Access Living consumers.